For that special guy

by rachelle   Jan 30, 2006

I sit and wonder
What will happen
if you ever go away
Will I move on
& find someone new?
Or will I wait forever
just to be with you?
I love you
is all I can say
To descibe what I feel
every single day
I know its hard for you
to say those three simple words
You may even think
what I said is totally absurd
But for some reason
I cant stop thinking of you
And if I did
it would feel like an inhuman thing to do
You have no idea
how you have made an impact on me
For the first time in forever
I am glad to be living a reality
Because of you
I am excited to wake up to a new day
Everything I do now
is no longer cliche
When I look back
at the few months we shared
You have helped mend & comfort my heart
when it needed to be repaired
For all those time
you made me smile and laugh
I would like to thank you
on my behalf
I wish one day
for us to finally meet
So that I will be able to say
that I am finally complete
I feel so lost
my mind & heart is in a competition
My mind is telling me to forget you
just because youre in a different location
But my heart is telling me
to love you forever
Because if I let you go
I will never find another guy better
So far to let you know
my heart is in the lead
& I want it to stay that way
as the many days proceed
I love you so much
its hard to believe that this is love
Having you is better
then spending my life in heaven above
I swear to you
I will never lie
Because of you
I never want to die
If i had a choice
to hear one thing from you
Would be for you to tell me
How much you love me too...


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  • 19 years ago

    by amanda

    that's so BEAUTiFUL!
    i LOVE it!