A walk through life

by Ruthie   Jan 30, 2006

The wind in my face
I keep a steady pace
can't let myself slow
nor my feelings show

No more tears to cry
wondering why I try
my hearts going cold
my spirit grows old

TV Say's it'll get worse
my own wounds I"ll have to nurse
It's just the way it goes
you'll never beat the foes

the terror spread by papers
peace and joy tapers
We gave into their plan
instilled fear in all man

swallow my hidden scream
with it, all my dreams
fall to my knees and weep
hurt by a wound too deep

I'm tired of searching
my entire world lurching
in and out of madness
building on my sadness

Why do I have to lie
I feel like I have to fly
or be impressive and inspiring
so god... I'm inquiring

Do I have to change?
like an alto to soprano range
cause it makes no sense
being trapped in this fence

Free me from my chain
that limits my frame
changes who I am
to this docile lamb

I want to be your light
a path in the night
show me the way
the price to pay

You alone are what I need
I'll go wherever you lead
cause my love for you
could never undo

How can I doubt
or even pull a pout
when you fill me like this
like my heavenly kiss

You're my hearts desire
my passion and my fire
so please rescue me
so I can be free

I turn around
ready to stand my ground
ready for their teasing
the pressure to be pleasing

every thing in his hands
his thoughts for me outnumber the sands
his love for me
makes the heavens decree

that our god reigns
and sooths all pains
that he is mighty
and his anger not given out lightly

great is your name
great is your fame
because you came to give
my life i can live...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    OMG! You NEVER cease to amaze me. Have you looked at the forums on that board "Philly-always here" or something. Anyway, I know you'll find it amusing and he says something you NEED to hear. Back to the reason I'm commenting. I LOVE all your poems. I keep forgetting to put you on my faves list. NOW I'm GONNA do it. Lve. Kristen. *hugs* bye.

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    I generally don't like Rhyming poems all that much, however, you did a very nice job, Well done=) keep it up and coming
