
by nadsyy   Jan 30, 2006

Now I'm 14, but i remember like it was yesterday and i was four!
You and mum had the "fight"

You were yelling
She was screaming
You grabbed her and through her to the wall

I cried
Your son cried
Mum cried

I rocked him in my arms as we cried together saying everything will be fine.

Now i look back and i look into his eyes.
As i see the fear behind those eyes
knowing you could strike again.

I see mum's smile knowing behind that smile lied a women who once was afraid of the man she onced loved

I look in the mirror and see the girl who can never love her dad again...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Juan

    Awww I'm sorry if this really happened. It's a good poem by the way, and it's also sad. 5/5.

    ps. Thanks for the comment on the toungue twister. xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Jaya

    Really good poem !!
    Very emotional and I felt it all as I read it !
    x Jaya x

  • 19 years ago

    by Kys Dirty Little Secret

    Omg this poem really drew in me in 5/5 I thought it was great. You could feel every emotion that was happening. Keep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by martha shaw

    I went through the same thing. 5/5