DaRk D00M DyiNg t0 KiLL,u SeEk LifE .....
n0 oNe KaN fLeE Az ThE DeaTh Iz HeRe ....
TraiL 0f g0Re Iz aLL ThAt LeFt BeHind ....
BeGininG 0f ThE EnD Iz JusT NeaR ....
StiLL breaThinG aNd s0 ManY sLaIN ....
KiLL! TiLL ThY aLL bEeN ReLEaZed fr0m ThE PaiN .....
IaM y0uR DeaTh GivE Me y0uR fLesH .....
Bef0rE U FeeL The LasT EviL sLaSh ....
I t0rE ThE sKin & AwaIt ThY DeaTh ....
h0wLinG CrieZ 0f y0uR LasT BreaTh .....
DreaD gr0ws az My sCyThe FaLLs up0n y0uR HeaRts .....
MutiLaTed c0rpsEs Dr0wNinG t0 TheIr GraVez .....
bLo0d DrippinG 0n ThE Unh0Ly WicKed EaRth ....
DeViLs LaUgh CrueLLy 0n tHiS PhucKed up bIrtH .....
y0uR pLea 0f MerCy SHinniNG In bLeeDinG EyEz ....
LiKe 0f Th0zE i hunT, r0ttinG In ThieR CrIeS .....
I SeeK tHe WeaKneSs In y0uR r0tten MeaT .....
I TeaR y0u ApaRt t0 LicK the 0RiFicE, Lets aLL TreaT ....
0n ThE tHr0nE, MisErieS AnD s0rr0Ws WiLL aLL Be LeFt.....
c0mE wIth Me,y0u aRe ThE 0nE wh0 NevEr saW thE DefT ....
EnTeR wIth y0uR LivInG s0uL t0 My ReaLm 0f DaRksIde .....
0r be PhuCKeD aNd ReaPed In thIs w0rLd-WidE h0m0cIde .....
DeprIveL 0f y0uR DeaTh Iz 0bSecurE f0r My PRidE......
0n sTenCh 0f DeCaYed bLo0d & SkuLLs, I RidE.......
sLeeP mY f0e In ThIs p0oL 0f bLooD......
& I wILL TaKe y0u t0 Y0uR GraVe.........
kn0w mE wh0 I am.......
Iam y0uR w0rsT DeaTh.......
HundReD WaYz t0 sLaY In bLuE....
I LiKe t0 TrY theM aLL 0n U.....
EveRy0nE Sh0uLd bE KiLLed In ThiS KinGd0M 0f eLf ......
WheN aLL aRe PhucKed And DeaD aM g0nNa KiLL MySeLF .....