Signed: Somebody Who Thinks You're Great!

by xღxBeckyxღx   Jan 30, 2006

Dear Diary, 12th February
He was in my class again today,
As much as I tried, I just couldn't stop looking at him.
I'm boring my friends talking about him constantly,
But its not my fault,
He's in my head, he's in my dreams,
Yet he doesn't know I exist.

Dear Diary, 13th February
Its Valentines Day tomorrow,
I went to the store and bought a card.
Is it time he knew how I feel?
My friends keep telling me its a good idea,
But what if?
I think, I'm going to tell him.
What should I write?

Dear Diary, 14th February
I did it.
My friend put it in his bag,
And she made sure she saw him open it.
She didn't tell me anything else, just smiled.
What is that meant to mean?
Argh, pen is running out..

Something just slipped out my book, a card.
It doesn't have name,
Its signed "somebody who thinks you're great"
Me, great?
Who is it from??

Dear Diary, 12th February
She was in my class again today,
I could feel her eyes on me,
As I tried to concentrate on my work,
But all I wanted to do, was look back.
I turned round and made out I was talking to my friend,
But I couldn't help but smile at her.
I wonder if she'd be my valentine this year?

Dear Diary 15th February
Sorry I haven't written for a few days,
On Valentines Day I got a card in my bag.
I wish I knew who it was from.
I sent her one, slipped it in her notebook,
Hope she knows its me.
I didn't tell her my name,
I signed it "somebody who thinks you're great",
Do you think she'll guess?


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  • 16 years ago

    by Galldora

    Loved this poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by holly

    I like this very original
    well done
    different but great :D

  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    I was smiling at the end of this because I though that it was so cute! 6/5, I swear!

  • 19 years ago

    by Solace

    Another amazing write as always. Deserves nothing but a 5/5 for sure. Take care.

    With love,

    *> : PainOfOne - blaine

  • 19 years ago

    by ♥Munchkin♥

    Love this poem. Its unique and made me smile :) Lovew you xxx