What You've Done

by Trish-Rish   Jan 30, 2006

Disowned is what Ive known
Lied to never got old
no affection shown
I'd cry, with no one to hold

My past reflects who Ive become
how stupid i would be
but now i realize i was unloved
and you've helped me to see

My heart isn't a wicked disease
my soul doesn't have broken wings
my life has a wonderful meaning
and i can believe in fairytale dreams

But you will never truly understand
How you have affected me
you gave me your hand
when I thought i was nothing

When I smile, it wont show
When my eyes use to cry
you'll never know
Why my tears would constantly flow

My love for you
I cant ever explain
My heart grows more with everything you do
Thats why i must thank you everyday

For this final chance
to love once again
For my love you have enhanced
And my sprites sing and dance

I feel like someone
Out to prove love is true
With you Hun, I feel loved
and there's nothing i cant do

I've spent my fourteen lives
living it half full
but now with your smilies
My life is finally whole

My wish, I wish tonight
Is to never let you go
I will fight with all my might
To make sure your not feeling low

[Thanx For Reading]


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  • 19 years ago

    by angel

    You were the first one to comment on my poem so i thought i would be the first one to comment on yours. Its a really good poem keep up the good work!!! Angel

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