My Hard Life

by Megan   Jan 31, 2006

Im sittin here alone again, no one is around
I just lie in my bed, once again, not making any sound.
I hear a knock at the door, I jump hoping its a friend
But when I open up the door its just a package someone sent.
No one comes to see me, or even gives a call
But I'm used to people not caring, and they don't care at all.
I know there far away from me, but they could at least write
So then I would have something to hold close to me when I'm thinking about them at night.
I always have to call them, they never once call me
And when I do call them, they are always too busy.
I used to have a friend down here, someone I could hang out wit
But like everyone else, she ditched me and turned into a bit*h.
"Why does God treat me this way?" is what I ask myself everyday
I gave up all belief in God, because he doesn't answer my pray.
I don't want to leave my mom, and I want to be with my friends
No matter what I do, my life will continue to suck
I keep asking God to send me a little luck.
All I want is a break, ONE DAY where I don't have to be sad
But that isn't gonna happen, because this is the life I was ment to have!
It is a sucky life, but I accept it, because there isn't much else I can do
Praying to God doesn't help, all it does is make my face turn blue.
I'm sick of everyone thinking they got it hard
Try walking in my shoes, trying having my scars.
I know I got it pretty good so I dont try to complain
I just need to get it out, it's driving me insane.
For all the people who think they got it bad, take a look around
Are you living in a box sitting on the ground?
No your not, and either am I
But still I know I got it harder then most of the people that dont have to try.

**Please comment and I will return the favor**

©Copyright Megan Kramme 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by MelMels

    I think this is a really good poem. I feel the exactly the same way especially about the hard life and people say they got in worse when they probably don't I completey relate to everything you said yeah life is hard but hopefully for you it gets better.

  • 19 years ago

    by Bilquis

    I can understand how you feel

  • 19 years ago

    by Luciee

    WOW, amazing reli fantastic work i also luv ur poem jerk< very relateable. thanks for commentin on my poem xxxxxxxx

  • 19 years ago

    by xCezx

    Hia gr8 poem! well written! keep it up cez xxx

  • 19 years ago

    by jess

    Wow! you have a great talent!!! your poems are so sad but you really use great emotion.

    keep up the brill work!
    love jess XXXXX