Ill be fine

by lanceilot   Jan 31, 2006

Its 2 a clock in the morning I awake yawning a message on my phone it said hey lance are you at home can I come round I need some body to talk too I reply I said hi sorry reply I didnt strait away I was asleep and the sound of the beep woken me sure you come around I dont mind so I send the message 20 minuets later a knock at the door I say to my self wow that was fast I open the door with a smile on my face when I see her there with nothing but her underwear I bring her in and she start crying I say whats up what the fxxk happened to you she screams and say I dont know I was walking down the the street next minuet I know am sweaped of my feet then all I know is am surrounded by a lot of guys she didnt have to tell me more to get me to go knock these mother fXXkers to the floor she crabs my arm screaming dont go please what if they come here I said they wont trust me she said I ran away from them and they came running after me I said look at me you think ill let them in you think ill be so stupid you go get some cloths on I dont care what you wear I go out side I look around then I hear the sound of screaming coming from in side I burst down the door I run upstairs I says what up she says am cut look my stomach I get a towel and try to stop the bleeding I pull my phone out my pocket the towel is not working I cant stop it what do I do she say lance am ok ill be fine dont worry bout me ill be fine I call 999 and the ambulance they come quick snap they race up stairs to where shes lying lifeless in my arms I remember the words she said over and over again


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  • 19 years ago

    by xXx Expecting xXx

    Wow, thats strong......its good
    yeah..punctuation doesnt matter...just the meanig that does......thanx....hope to actually talk more