No name yet

by sarah   Jan 31, 2006

Hate all around
not a word has been said
there once was i love yous
but now is all dead
dead from this world
dead from the life's they once lived
life's that were filled
with happiness and laughter
how did it all end
for that i am not sure
all i am sure of is that
all is will take to bring that
happiness back is one little letter one little yes
it may not seem all that big
but that one word that one letter will change our life's
will show us that there is hope
that there is light in this life
that is can carry on
that our love shall not end
for out family will be complete
till the end of eternity

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  • 18 years ago

    by dude

    Not bad it confuses me a little were you confused or upset when you wrote it?

  • 18 years ago

    by Ben

    Dead world? as the name?
    much love

  • 19 years ago

    by LuVlYlUfFlY

    Ummm you could call it show us a little hope
    or a little help doesnt hurt
    or a little bit of corage is all we need

    i dont no just so suggestions anyway i loved that poem it was good keep it up5/5

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