
by sarah   Jan 31, 2006

Sometimes people look past
sometimes people try not to believe
sometimes people try so hard to hide
to hide from the truth
run from the lies
the lies that have made there life's
the lies that are unforgiving
sometimes they try so hard to forget
that it just wont go away
sometimes they try so hard to be perfect
that they end up being even more imperfect
it ends up ruining there life's
and there is no way to turn back time
there is nothing left
nothing is real anymore
there is no way out
your to deep in
and for that you are lost
in this self pity of a life you lead


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Kien

    There are some lines that are so true about people and yet they dun't even notice, they should really just accept that they aren't perfect

  • 18 years ago

    by Ben

    Soooooooooo true! slightly cynical tho =P
    much love

  • 19 years ago

    by Just Wishes

    Vert true. meaningful poem

    All the best

  • 19 years ago

    by TheDevilHimself

    I loved the poem. *hugs and kisses* Rik aka TheDevilhimSelf

  • 19 years ago

    by Tiffani

    That was amazin and beautiful. 5/5

    You are very talented. i understand wat u mean in this poem 100%

    LoVE,, Tiffani