From Afar

by Kyle Stroup   Jan 31, 2006

I gaze from afar

Just hoping she would see

My love runs so deep

But my love will never be

Accepted like i hoped it would

I just wanted life to end

Before she gazed back at me

Before she smiled, and took my hand


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  • Hey kewl when did you do that? nice poem.....sigh......i am soo is like 11 30 .......i want a bowl of cereal .......i aint gonna get one though........i haven't eaten yet today...........just waiting on head complain...........i like making dots........can u tell.........>?
    g2g eat grapes


  • Hey gj honey!
    ur friend,

  • 19 years ago

    by Heidi

    Adorabal!, so little wordds, and so much emotion!. the smallest words can tell the biggest story ;D

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