Dedicated to you

by Megan   Feb 1, 2006

This is the poem that I dedicate to you
For all the stupid things that you do.

You messed with the wrong people to many times
So now I'm sitting here making up these rhymes.

You should have listened to the words that I said
Because then maybe you would be home, instead of being dead.

I love you so much, so I brought you this basket
It's something to bury you with in this old black casket.

Now you are buried 6 feet underground
But don't worry, I'll still come around.

I wish you wouldn't have left me with all this pain
But if you would have stuck around, I might have gone insane.

I will always remember you, no matter what
But the door to this memory, I must shut.

**Please comment..good or bad**

*This is the very first poem that I wrote*

©Copyright Megan Kramme 2006


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  • 19 years ago

    by kittykat0232

    That was good! it was very sad but it was well writen! your a great writer. stay strong 5/5