Comments : Burning Holes

  • 19 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! the rhymingness! Blasted ryhmes lol.

    Okay now that I've got that out of my system, Hi! lol interesting poem, I was distracted by the fact that it ryhmed but other wise... blah its ryhmes! lol sorry okay focus Jenn! the lines you are using for you MSN name:

    Dead I am the sky,
    Watching angels cry,
    Laughing with no care,
    Taking the biggest dare.

    I love to pieces =) well done

    heehee sorry for my spazieness I love you


  • 19 years ago

    by Taylor Anderson

    Beautiful, truly beautiful. I am sorry if this comment doesnt help much, but I dont know what to say to such an AWESOME poem...I would also say my fav part, but every stanza was awesome!

  • 19 years ago

    by VioletRaven

    Hey, I like this one a lot, sometimes they just have to rhyme and I think you've done that successfully here without compromising the content. Well done,

  • 19 years ago

    by Atomic

    The only problem I had with your proem is the rhyming scheme.

    It's not th poem itself, it just have to do with the poems that I prefer.

    Something like

    Would be nice for a change, however I love the topic too much to say more.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • 19 years ago

    by Atomic


    You like the bunny, so I hope you don't mind seeing it twice. =P

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • 19 years ago

    by Hareem

    Well...I'd like it more with a few improvements..
    First, the poem is in dire need of punctuation....Commas, Colons, etc.

    Secondly, the stanzas are not in a consistent form. They should all be having four lines each or put in some other number.
    Maybe it's just me but that's how I truly feel.
    By the way, great subject, for the poem; nice try.

    Love always,

  • 19 years ago

    by martha shaw

    Alil weird, but weirds good sometimes. but cool. good flow 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Krystle

    What can I say, Mike, other than it was 'delightfully morbid'. Hurrah. Excellent work. One of my faves so far.

    Cheers, Krystle

  • 19 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Pretty cool mike ;) lol I actually think that this kind of poem is really hard to write so good on you! keep up the good work!!! *smiles* xoxo

  • 19 years ago

    by Allison

    I loved this one too. The layout and the scheme of it kept my attention throughout it. I really liked how the character related themselves to something else. Keep up the good work. You have a lot of talent. *5/5*

  • 19 years ago

    by Darien

    Another grand poem. Keep writing.
    Canada huh? where from?..

  • 18 years ago

    by ashley

    I love this poem, it has stuck in my head for awhile so i thought i would let you now that a enjoyed it tremendously