Hit with every dart

by Samantha klukas   Feb 2, 2006

I am not beautiful
and this I see
But do people see the true person in me
No one kows what I been though
And this I know is true
I feel bad everyday
Like I\\\'m not the victim
But I didnt do the crime
I feel my life is geting dim
I feel My life is going blind
I dont know if i dont have confidence in myself
because of my past
I feel this is a nightmare thats goin to last
I kept this in for a whole 10 years
I finally told someone and let go of my fears
I cant have a boyfriend without being scared
When someone touches meit brings back memories
My rights were violated
I cant hold a relationship
Because I get scared
When he touches me wrong
I hate my uncle for what he did
he will pay
people say im crazy
because i say im ugly
But if you were melosted and raped and kept it in for 10 years
wouldnt your life be like a big daze
I want him to know I hate him
and I mean it with all my heart
You used me as a target and hit me with every dart


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Omg... I want to cry after reading this. Hun I'm so sorry that your uncle raped you, but from now on you are going to be okay, I promise. Don't be afraid to let a boy in, because he might be the one who will PROTECT you from the bad things. I hope you're okay hun... keep up the great writing. xoxo

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