I feel like...

by Heather Griffith   Feb 2, 2006

I feel like...

A papaper-clip
That has lost hope
Because it has been
Twisted too many times

I feel like...

A highlighter
That has become dull
Because it has been
Sucked dry

I feel like...

A note book
That has run out of paper
Because all the sheets have been
Ripped out

I feel like...

A printer
That has run out of ink
Because it has been
Over used and abused

Kind of weird way of putting it
I know but those are my emotions
Please comment or vote
Then I will know someone out their
Takes time out of their day to care about me


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Wow, heather!! This is one of my favorites of yours. I never would have thought to write a poem like this... its so creative and beautiful in its own way. Keep up the awesome writing, and if you ever need to talk i'm always here okay?! xoxo