Summer Nights

by DiMpLeS   Feb 2, 2006

-Remember those summer nights that we spent together
-Wishing every moment would last forever
-I called you everyday just to tell you how I feel
-Just to tell you that my love for you is real
-But way too soon our love faded away
-Ever since you left nothing has been going the right way
-I just want to tell you that I have strong feelings for you
-So hopefully one day we can start over new
-But until that day remember the good times
-The good times we had on those summer nights


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  • 19 years ago

    by sarah

    Aww i like this one. it reminds me of that yellowcard song. ocean avenue.. well sort of. but i can totally relate i love how you mark you lines with a dash like highligts in your life .. it really brings out the poems you write and its creative. nice job.. and thanks for your comment on my poem .. it didn't sound gay. :P it sounded human

  • 19 years ago

    by Katz

    It was lovely but i feel it could have had something else put into it...not sure exactly what though, well done anyway!