
by David Marshall   Feb 2, 2006

I know I did wrong, It wont happen again.

Please forgive me, I'm sorry I sin.

Deep in thought, lying in the grass.
This life of mine has yet to pass.

I love you God, each day is more.
Maybe one day at heavens door.
Not in the abyssal plain of Hells hot floor.

I'm sorry Lord, but these walls grow thin.

Please forgive me, I'm sorry I sin.

The blood of a sinner runs through my veins.
Wash away my evil with your holy rains.

I want to change the way I've been.

Please forgive me, I'm sorry I sin.

© Copy-righted by David A Marshall


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  • 19 years ago

    by Just That Girl

    This Is Yet Another Wonderfull Poem By You...You Get Better Each Time...I Swear! Keep It Up...!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kyle Stroup

    Dude great poem man...i liked it...i wish i could write like you but you konw how i am wit writing poetry not very good....well anyways glad to hear you movin on...keep up the good work