In my silence

by Nearly but not quite   Feb 2, 2006

Behind my tight closed lips,
Pretend you understand my mental blips.
Behind my hard, impassive eyes,
All they see is groans and sighs.

Don't pretend you know
What's going on.
It's not a glow,
Everything is gone.

Behind unhearing ears,
All they hear is silent tears.

A silent wish, a prayer a hope.
I don't care if you understand,
Just leave me alone!
On a beach we're just grains of sand.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Jose Delapaz

    Wow nice poem great way of putting it "On a beach we're just grains of sand." I can relate to it alot.........keep writing 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by purplified

    Another great poem...short yet powerful all at the same time 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by aloneforgotten13

    This is a really good poem i liked it alot it makes you think and has a hiddin meaning good jog

  • 18 years ago

    by Ariana

    Sad but enjoyable. I like the style of this its not so mainstream and sounds more original. The last line was a good finish and left quite an impression on me. Nice work :)

  • 19 years ago


    Wel, well this is just great work. I like those small but powerfull poems, that can get your heart in a single colomn...

    esspecialy like the phrase:

    Behind unhearing ears,
    All they hear is silent tears.

    Great job!

    5 point added, as it should be!


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