Silent pain

by rocker666chick   Feb 2, 2006

The night is silent
The night is dark.
Everything patterned
but it's still is dark.
Waiting for a noise
but no sound.

Waiting in this dark
of silent pain.

Waking up in this alleyway
is no way
for you to live.

looking at the five
lives on this alley way.
waiting for someone
to do something
waiting for something to
say something.

no body will hear their cries
all they do is lie.
You can not trust anyone
who lied about the alley
way of silent pain.

I know this one isn't that good but there is a story in this poem if you find it you will get it.
If you do write a comment
~!N!GHt $T@r$ L!GhT!~
please write your comments please and thank you if you do it would really mean alot to me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tortured Soul

    I think i got it but i usually dont interpret things differently then other people. but great work!

  • 18 years ago

    by xXxDarkDreamerxXx

    I think i got the hidden message... well if i didnt i think it was still pretty good!!! ^_^ -cheers-

  • 18 years ago

    by master of shadow

    Hidden meaning poem.... i proabally didn't get the meaning, i usually interpret these things in pritty werid ways in comparsion to how they were intended...

    great peice though, my one critisism is that i feel the word "dark" maybe slightly over used, but that is only a minor poit. other than that it is a fantastic peice

  • 19 years ago

    by charles

    Thats so good wow

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