
by xoxShorteexox   Feb 2, 2006

I cross my heart for you,
and hope to not commit suicide.
I would never break a promise,
but slitting my wrists looks really good.
I lay in bed hoping to be died,
emo was all you said.
You said I did too many things,
that reminded you of emos.
Well welcome to who I am,
so I labeled now.
My heart bleed for you,
but now my head said the hell with you.
My only cut said it all,
laying lifeless on the floor.
A little slit made by a piece of mirror,
with blood covering it.
All my grave stone said Label Emo,
now what am I?
I am just another teen,
suicidal teen right?
Never getting know,
if I died for a good cause.
Did I die for something worth while?
Watching my own funeral,
you stand there,
not saying a word.
Looking down at my death body,
a single cut.
Just one.
Then, it\'s all over.
Now am I still an emo?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Oooh amen 2 that! agreed so much i h8 how ppl lable u just cuz u cut...so annoyin...neway wow gr8 poem...5/5! lemme kno wen u write more!
    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • 19 years ago

    by Nina Star

    I like this, but hate people who label
    keep on writin