Valentines Day Massacre

by xXMyThanatosXx   Feb 2, 2006

Valentines day massacre

Each bullet tares through their heart
Each word spoken rips them apart
This is the valentines day massacre
The floor is dotted with red
Though its all in their head

Cupids bow is strung taught
Like heartstrings begging to be shot
They say they loved with a love that was more then love
With heartstrings torn and undone
I prefer to quote the raven
For ever-more
Truths are only lies in disguise

This is the Valentines day massacre
With chocolates and flowers
Though wilted and rotten
Still consumed and honored
With love and esteem
Those candy-coated smiles
Ignorant all the while
As the bodies hit the floor
Even then they still smile
Until their lover walks out that door

Truths are only lies in disguise
This is the valentines day massacre

Each bullet tares through their heart
Each word spoken rips them apart
This is the valentines day massacre
The floor is dotted with red
Though its all in their head


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Very interesting.. I loved how it wasnt what people would expect when they first read it.. nice job.. 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by Catastrophic Beauty

    That was veryyy good