Hello Fate

by sarah   Feb 2, 2006

I'm wrapped up in some type of protection
Looking in the mirror I see thats not my reflection
How could it be, blood streaming down like tears
But down the drain along with it go my fears
Flowers wilted, roses left only with thorns
So many warning signs, yet nobody was warned
Its not me, it cant be, I have already been tricked
I'm addicted to not being myself, therefore I'm an addict
A nightmare is like a dream to me For its just the negative I can see In between the sun and moons mischievous switch
I'm falling deeper for he calls in the perfect pitch
Smile is painted no longer real
I'm numb I refuse to feel
Ears are exploding veins are popping
The blood flow to my brain is stopping
What am I suppose to do, its too late
I guess everything happens for a reason, hello fate


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