
by Heather   Feb 3, 2006

What is the only way to relieve my pain?
Well first I will tell you I am not insane.

When I watch the blood fall to the floor,
I watch and make sure nobody comes through that door.

I cut my wrists so hard that they bleed,
Although, I know it is not a good deed.

I know that I am hurting the ones that I love,
I know that this will not let me go to God above.

I hate the fact that people think they can judge me,
I know this will soon cost a huge fee.

Nobody understands unless they have been through it,
I will just do it little by little, and bit by bit.

This is the one thing that relieves my pain,
So please do not think about calling me insane.


(As you may notice this poem is about my cutting. I just recently cut and most of my friends are really upset with me. Please rate and comment TY)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Areyoucrazy

    Hi . I used to cut myself all the time and sometimes really bad I hid it from everyone . I stopped though because I promised my bf I would(before he was) ,I never go back on a promise . I understand how you feel , I hope you can stop soon and feel way better . Nice poem and keep writting .

  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenAngel FallenFiend

    Hey, i cut sometimes to but thats ok i understand, i am trying to stop but the pain in my life is too hard to bear alone i know i havent posted in a while ut w/e i couldnt, i am srry and i really care, even while i never met you plz coment on my poems and take care...

  • 19 years ago

    by Krystal

    I know how you feel I cut my self to I'v been there too and yet no one seems to care.

  • 19 years ago

    by cali

    I love this poem. i cut too, my friends hate me for it but they let me do it anyway even though they hate it. if u ever need to talk im here. or u can email me at

  • 19 years ago

    by Lucy Lewin

    I love this poem. It totally reflects me. Although we don't know each other... I'm here for you.
    Keep writing... i like your stuff.
    x3 Lucy

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