
by April   Feb 3, 2006

Dress me up pretty, place me on a shelf.
Taking my reflection I no longer see myself.
The fuel of your ambition no thought of the expense.
Leaving me with pale regret an idol discontent.
Make me what you want, a doll to be posed.
My body has become so fragile leaving me exposed.
With wounds so deep inside will i ever heal.
My soul is faded and broken the pain within to real.
Looking through me now as though I'm not there.
Have I become invisible to you, do you even care.
My emotions have become frozen, my heart turns cold.
The future I see before me holds death and fates untold.
My thoughts fill with rage, my heart fills with hate.
The apology on you lips has come all but to late.
I wish I could forgive you, I want to forget.
But thoughts cloud my mind causing me pain and regret.
All my dreams and wish beliefs all traces left in mist.
Will there ever be a place for me or reason to exist?
Plz comment and let me know what you think


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  • 18 years ago

    by Chelsey

    WOW! I FREAKIN LOVE THIS ONE!!!! Just like i love you and joshua sorrry i haven't been able to call in awhile i miss you guys so much!!! Why did you guys have to leave me? I think i'm going to write a poem about it... lol I love ya gurlie!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsey

    You know you kick @$$! 5/5 as usual

  • 19 years ago

    by ~* gifted little fallen~*

    My lord that was sadly beautiful. but to tell u the truth all of ur work is :D sorry if i didnt get here sooner, been busy with nightschool and exahasted. sp? anyways just so u know i do care, and that is just who i am i guess ;) lol give me a private messege sometime so that we could exchange #'s so we can talk anytime. if u dont have long distance let me know when there is something goin wrong k. ill be there

    -always faithfulserenity