Drifting Away

by Just That Girl   Feb 3, 2006

She goes to school
With a smile on her face
She says sheâ??s fine
To everyone who asks

She goes home
To her room
Locks the door
And sheâ??s back to reality

She opens the drawer
Takes out her best friend
The one who is always loyal to her
Her Knife

She holds it with her right hand
And pulls up her sleeves
Look at the scars of yesterday
And yearning for todayâ??s

However, today she made her decision
Sheâ??d cut deeper in
Sheâ??d breathe her last breath
Sheâ??d finally set her soul free

She has no one to talk to
Sheâ??s drifting away
Form friends and family
She has only herself and her sanity

The cold walls speak to her
As she swallows every last breath
They talk to her
Because she has no one to talk to

She falls to the floor
She feels her spirit leave her
She no longer hears sounds
All she can see is pitch-black darkness

*Thanx For Reading!*

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  • 18 years ago

    by aDORKable x3

    Wow! I hope that wasn't a real life problem! Like your work, keep it up!

  • 18 years ago

    by The Poetic Child

    She holds it with her right hand
    And pulls up her sleeves
    Look at the scars of yesterday
    And yearning for todayâ??s

    I love that stanza.taht was amazing
    Great Emotion
    And i hope if this poem is true everything works out for the best and your life is filled with happiness
    keep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by Lilly

    Fantastic poem... and i can really relate as i wasn't too long ago i was like her.... well written... your quite the poet!

  • 19 years ago

    by just a poet

    This is a great poem but so sad, u once told me that a true friend fills a place in your heart but girl beleive me a knife does not never can i should no. i hope this isnt from you an i no prep talks suck but from experiance these things scar and they dont ease your pain at all, they are one more thing to worry about and hide. that is all i will say on this subject that and that erm if u ever need to talk i will always be here to lend an ear. great poem anyhow a defenite 5.

  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    This is so sad, and I hope it isn't about you hun. If so, I'm always here to talk to. Trust me, hurting yourself is never worth it, I've lost someone really close to me due to suicide. She got away from the pain and left everyone else with a much deeper one. This is a great poem nevertheless, and I hope you continue writing. The only suggestion that you should fix are the things like "Sheâ??d finally set her soul free", just because the poem will be easier to read. Great writing hun, xoxo