Unwanted Rage.

by Steven Beesley   Feb 3, 2006

Unwanted rage:

An emotion that I thought
had long gone far from my mind,
has paid a visit and would
now seek to take center stage.

The madness and furor of
many years that I left behind,
has come to visit and
run rampant with my head.

So much hatred that I had
sacked, all back now
with me once more.
Lividity now beckons at my door...

A state which truly I abhor,
detest and loathe it
like a foul sewer stench.
So utterly morally repugnant.

An unequivocally detestable
person is the reason for this
strenuous stressful cause.
Repulsive origin that must be left behind.

Such pain like a cerebral death
does this create, be gone
I will not have it anymore;
burn and continue in my mind.

Steven Beesley (c)


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  • 18 years ago

    by Melissa

    Wow, so powerfully written! I love your voice in this, amazing write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Bill Turner

    Powerful, angry and a touch sad at having the emotion come back. Beautifully conveyed my friend. I love this poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    A relation to "Sickened with the thought of you" which again should true emotion and resent towards this dreadful pain. A sad poem, reflecting the sadness that this has caused. Hoping things will be better soon... Your friend... SiE