Hug me

by Nonto   Feb 3, 2006

When my world is crumbling on me,
When everything is falling apart,
Put me together,
Hug me

When the world is celebrating me,
When the world is laughing with me,
Do better than that,
Hug me.

When I'm lost in an isolated land,
With no one to call a friend,
Be closer than a friend,
Hug me.

When I'm filled with rage,
Take the courage,
Be the one to break me,
Hug me.

When fear overcomes me,
When shame shames me,
Help me come through alive.
Hug me.

Break and build me,
Encourage and congratulate me,
Accept and love me,
Hug me.

By:Nontobeko Mthembu


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  • 14 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    Oh gosh! I remember this poem. It is still pinned upon my wall above the picture of my penguins and friends. Goodness. I still think this poem is just fabulous. Why haven't you written any more? ={

  • 18 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    I READ IT AGAIN!!! so i am gonna comment again, gonna print it and put it on my wall, I LOVE IT!! hehe, you write
    and yeah..hehehe
    LOVE IT!! did i already menrtion that i love it?

  • 19 years ago

    by Sarah Mirabile

    WOW, great job! I really really liked it. Kep up the good work

  • 19 years ago

    by Nonto

    Love Me, Hug Me, Don't kill me.I would love to meet you.I think you are great especially for encouraging me..the poetry you write is fab!

  • 19 years ago

    by WakingFreedom

    And again..... 5/5 that was amazing... very powerful to.....i would like to read more......i really do