Split Personality

by Jay   Feb 3, 2006

I'm Jay a free sprite
Can not be controlled nor tamed

I'm an encaged beast
Waiting to break out and attack the person who placed me here

I'm a baby bird
Who's wings are to small to fly with the rest of the family

I'm a tornado
Ready to spin out of control, destroying everything in my path
To me Respect is nothing more a word
A word that is not meant to be taking seriously
My life is complicated, Girls, Money, Popularity
Is nothing more then a mirage to the person that has been there and done that
And a reality to the foolish man
As extraordinary as it may seem things are not all candy and popcorn
But instead sour milk and hard bread

I'm a Christmas morning without snow and no presents under the tree
As I watch a little boys face full of tears and sadness I laugh.

I'm an elephant who never forgets or forgives others who have done me wrong
I have the purple heart of a soldier, but yet the brain pattern of a psycho path
Nor friend nor foe I'm Jay.

-Jay Tubbs


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  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    I like this, i don't think I heard this one before it was pretty good

  • 19 years ago

    by ComplexChild

    That was good i liked that poem.