Being Hard Head

by Jay   Feb 3, 2006

My mom always said never ride a bike without safety gear
But I was to cool to listen to that
I was 14 Teen.
Riding down the street on my mongoose bike
Feeling the wind blow upon my face
Mind cleared of negative thoughts
I was 14 Teen.
There was nothing in the world that could cancel this feeling
Wham, Bam, Crack, Bang, Wham, Boom
I hit the ground with impeccable force
I was 14 Teen
Blood dripping down my chain like rain drops
Knee\'s shaking from shock
Momma came outside with a mean look and said
Thats what you get for being hard head
I was 14 Teen.

-Jay Tubbs


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  • 19 years ago

    by CE

    Thats what yo ass get nigga HAHAHAHAHAHAHA