Black Matter ( Stress)

by Zer0riginZ   Feb 3, 2006

What drives the bullet through the chest? I believe its stress...
What drives a knife through someone's life... I believe its torment!

To push so far,
that matter can stretch!
that a mind can crack...
and simple matter turns black!

What drives fire to burn children? I believe its rage...
What corrupts minds and then...? I believe its ... torment... torment...!

To be hurt so bad,
that matter can rip!
that a bomb will trip,
and the sound of matter turned black!

Oh! Oh oooh oooh OH...!

What drives a fist to break? I believe its stress...
What forces you under to drown in a lake?
I believe it be...
I know its torment...

So why push as far?
Why not accept!
So why push so far?
Why not let be?
Why pass your torment?
To another human being?

Its not the plague but its a disease!
Such a black matter!
Cured with such ease!
Don't allow more bones to shatter...
Don't allow...
Don't allow...
Please don't allow...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Momentary Relapse

    Dude! That was freakin' awesome. It's like a song isn't it? Are you in a band? But enough with that. I really liked this a lot. Great job. Extremely cool.

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