by kei   Feb 3, 2006

Your perfect like something i would only dream.
your thought comforts me when i cry myself to sleep.
you know, sometimes it's just easier to hide when it hurts.
you make things easier when everything turns worse.
i wish that i could tell you what I'm feeling.
but your perfect and dreams only last while your sleeping.
I'm scared to get close to you, I'm scared i will get hurt.
you are so much better than me your love i am not worth.
two souls combined into one.
one is confused, the other's half gone.
why are you so sure of us why aren't you scared.
why don't t i scare you, our love is not prepared.
what if we're not meant to be what if our love dies.
what if you don't love me what if your heart lies.
i want to belong to someone i hope i find them soon.
i Can t help but think you just want that too.
we can't be in love, because of our age.
but my act only works when i am center stage.
you scare me what i never felt before.
i can't help but think you won't want me anymore.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Patrick

    Well, I would have to say that this poem is quite beautiful. You might want to proof read it though because there are a few grammar mistakes but other than that I have to say it was just a splendid poem.

    5/5, West

  • 19 years ago

    by Patrick

    Well, I would have to say that this poem is quite beautiful. You might want to proof read it though because there are a few grammar mistakes but other than that I have to say it was just a splendid poem.

    5/5, West