Paper Cuts

by SyntheticDarknss   Feb 3, 2006

As I put this pen to paper,
I let my emotions go,
On the black stained paper,
My pain does flow...

The lies scribbled down,
Dark as the night,
Sharp-edged letters,
Expressing lifes appalling fight...

Indecipherable scratches,
From mistakes that were made,
But into the surrounding words,
The mistakes do fade...

My black teardrops,
Bleed through the white background,
Loneliness, happiness, sadness and shame,
Now spread all around...

What a wonderful release,
To scribble away,
Liberating your body,
From what you felt today...

A crumpled piece of paper,
Deep in the trash now lays,
Holding a person's feelings,
Forgotten within days...

But replaced within time,
By more feelings thought,
Only once again,
To be later forgot...

Here my emotions,
Are permanently placed,
Never again
Will they have to be faced...

Forgotten in the future,
Remembered in the past,
The first thoughts,
Emphasized by the last...

Running like water,
But thick as blood,
Hardly comprehensible,
Only by some its understood


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  • 19 years ago

    by Dianna M Tuohy

    You're an excellent poet. You're now in my favs. This poem just screams emotion and truth. Your style is fantastic, all of it is just perfect! 5.