My daughter

by Tracy   Feb 3, 2006

My heart, my inspiration,
The reason I carry on.
We've been through some hard times together,
Yet still you remain so strong.

Inside your much older,
Than mere age can show.
You take what your handed,
yet your spirit continues to grow.

You know your my idol,
Of that you can be sure.
And even though your hurting too,
Your concern for me is pure.

You try so hard,
To take care of us all.
Your always there to take my hand,
To help me up when I fall.

I know I don't tell you,
As often as I should.
But I truly love you my daughter,
And would do more and show you more If I could.

No matter how it may seem,
You're very important to me.
And for you I'll try harder,
I'll show you, you'll see.

For everything you do and everything you are, I will love you and admire you always.

* I wrote this for my daughter, shortly after my son, died in 2001 when he was 4 years old. Comments and votes are appreciated*

-Tracy Bradshaw.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    I've read your other poems too, so it was uplifting to hear that you do hae a daughter. Life is too short, so enjoy and share with her. Take care.