Deathly Awakening

by Dean Russell-Rands   Feb 3, 2006

You sat in front of me, always with a smile
I've only known you for a little while
But you're gone, broken and smashed
Driven from this world when the car crashed

I didnt know you well - but I feel pain
You're life just begun and the paper: plain
You could have been anything, gone anywhere
Your whole life taken: how can fate be fair?

But still, I am scared, shaken and blue
Because it could have been me, not you
It could have been anyone's car that crashed
Anyone's life broken and smashed

A selfish thing to think - I know
But I cant help it - I'm sorry and so
It still doesnt change your fate
Or revive you from that deathly state

In your death - I have seen words so true
Death isn't stoppable by me or you
People die - old and young, healthy and ill
No one can beat it, no one will

We can only live as we should
To the full, if only you could...
It's unknown when anyone will die
And so there can be no goodbye

And I hate to say it - but it's true
Your death awakened me - told me what to do
Told me to live life to the full - do what I can do
It's sad that I didnt know before the world lost you...


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  • 19 years ago

    by The Wingless

    Hey, I like this poem. you're poems are so great. Umm I like the format of the poem. I really like the length. The rhyming scheme is different, but it's cool. Usually, for double stanzas, the rhyming scheme is

    B but you did


    Cool, it's nice to see changes and modifications to the rules.. Good job being an unorthadoxed poet.

  • 19 years ago

    by MBG

    This was an awsome poem alot of passion and it woke me up to....good poem!

  • 19 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    That's lovely. Poems like this are relatable by everyone and the reason that YOU are on my favorites list.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jaime

    "People die - old and young, healthy and ill
    No one can beat it, no one will"

    Powerful message, it really hit hard. You're a talented writer, good poem.

  • 19 years ago

    by Megan

    AwW that was so sad. it was really amazing. take care

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