Comments : I'Ll MiSs YoU (CoNTiNuEd)

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Hey Preciosa... Mami this was really heartfelt. I wish i can wrap up happiness for you and give it to you as a gift, cus mami, I really want u to b happy. I cant believe all the shi= u have gone through, and I only wish I was hter to help u out. The poem was really good. I liked it. I know you will miss him, but u will be okay. I promise. Remember Flaka and I always got ur back. Always here for you. We love u mamiiz. I hope u doing better. Long time we dont talk. I hope you got my messages. Ur makin me wanna write a poem to bout u...lolz Aiight boo, I dont wanna bore u, I just wanted to let u kno u still have me as a friend. Take care please. And keep ur head held high and dont let them see the tears you cry, act like u wouldnt give a shi+ if they told u he was about to die...see poetry already...lolz. Ok te quiero, cuidate...

    xoxoxo Hugz+Kizzez xoxoxo

