
by Bilquis   Feb 3, 2006

I cannot seem to ease my mind
Lost myself in long past times
Questions which answers I don't know
Are now slowly eating up my soul

I feel like tearing off my skin
To escape the temple of my sins
So I can finally be free
From this prison that became my body

I am screaming and shouting silent cries
Hiding my tears from stranger's eyes
I am dying yet no one can see
The invisible war inside of me

Should I be to burn in eternal fire
For my dark and unnatural desire
I am afraid I will have to take
The road to Hell for Heaven's sake

I am helpless in captivity
Enclosed by my own memory
If I could only turn back time
Would I have ever chosen life?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    Very good! I loved how you ended with the question "would I have even chosed life" sorry if i auoted it wrong. but very good!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Megan

    GREAT JOB. amazing. 5/5