Are you just empty words?

by Lil BabyL   Feb 3, 2006

Something told me you were special from the moment you said hi,
Your genuineness, your "realness", the way you seemed unable to tell a lie,
I treasured your words, the promises you made me and when you told me that you cared,
When you would tell me that I'm cute or even that you wish you were in my bed,
You made me smile, you made me laugh with all the little things you said,
I took down my barriers and let you into my life,
I told you my insecurities, the things I'm intent to usually hide,
I let myself get lost in your alluring charm,
I thought that someone like you could do me no bad harm,
But it seems I was wrong....

You cannot walk into my life, even if it's just for a minute, tell me that you believe in "us"and then walk out whenever you feel is best convenient,
That's not the way it works,
Please tell me you're not like all the rest and you're not just a good for nothing jerk

What is the reason that I'm getting this feeling that you can't keep it real with me,
Why does it seem like you have just cut me out, don't you see,
What this feeling of rejection is putting me through,
As I'm trying to prove to you that I'll be just fine without you,
But in reality I'm slowly losing my mind,
Underneath the guise of a forced smile I'm just hurting inside

All I can do now is wonder what the hell you could be thinking,
And wonder why you have left my heart sinking,
But baby you know I can't read your mind,
I don't know what you are truly feeling inside,
All it takes is one message to let me know that you are still there,
To let me know that you didn't just f**king lie when you said you care

I hate the way I can't stay mad at you no matter what you do to me,
And the way I let myself fall for you so easily,
I think I hate myself more than anything else,
But you led me to believe,
That we had a special chemistry,
But I guess all I can do is wait to hear the truth from you,
Are you just empty words or are you honest and true?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jypsie

    Wow. This poem is great. Its exactly how I'm feelnig rite now. You express my feelings better then I can. It made me cry. I dont like that your going threw this to I kno the pain and it hurts so much. I hate knowing that some one can hurt some one else that much and claim that they love them. Your a really good writer hopefully it gets you some where in life.

  • 18 years ago

    by Hunny Bunny

    Hun i feel your pain. this poem made me hurt inside for you bc i know what thats like and to know that someone else is hurting so much bc of one person. .... wow i loved it and you need to keep writting you could go places with your writting keep that in mind.

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