Run Away

by Sarah   Feb 4, 2006

Honey, come away with me,
Let's run away into the night.
We'll kiss each other senseless
And hold each other tight.

I know that there's not much time,
But just spend the day with me!
Forget about your obligations
And stay here for eternity.

I want to feel your heartbeat
Against the palm of my hand,
And we can touch your skin to my skin,
Come me you're a man.

Let's forget about my honor,
No one will ever know...
What happens behinds closed doors happens,
It's not a public show.

In the safety of my room,
You can press your lips to mine,
We can fly above the clouds,
Don't rush, take your time.

So, whisper me a secret,
Breathe my name into my ear,
Promise me everything and nothing,
Give me words to ease my fears.

Doesn't this sound wonderful?
So, run away with me tonight!
We can kiss each other senseless
And hold each other tight.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Ariana

    Very sweet and picturesque, I really get that sense of a dreamlike fantasy. Nice work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Wildflower

    Simply ...Beautiful !!

  • Ahh,...*Sighs* if only i could do this with my love, my heart would sing for joy

  • Ahh,...*Sighs* if only i could do this with my love, my heart would sing for joy