
by Matt Fleckney   Feb 4, 2006


I sit and stare into her beautiful eyes,
And I wonder,
Does she know how much she means to me?
I have told her, yes,
But does she truly understand?

Does she understand that every second away from her,
Is like a moment in hell?
Does she truly understand how I feel,
When she ever so gently squeezes my hand?

I sit, and I wonder, and sit some more,
And I think, does she feel the same about me?
What goes through her mind
As we sit and stare into each others eyes?
Does she, like me, feel as if the world stands still?

When I am with her, I can’t help but feel
As if my life is finally,
Finally worth something.
I feel as if I am capable,
Of moving mountains,
And draining the oceans,
All in the name of her.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Luke

    The Second To Last Stanza Has To Be The Best.. It's Really Good.. well Done.

  • 18 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Matt... This is a wonderful poem! So many questions we all ask ourselves when we are in love. You have conveyed your love beautifully in this poem :)

  • 19 years ago

    by Lauren

    Aww i love this so much. i feel like this to..youre a good writer dont stop!! 5/5

  • 19 years ago

    by AinsleySara

    that was sweet it touched me lots

  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    Love this one also for I have someone who I feel just this way about and please kep writing they are great poems 5/5