
by Bridgette   Feb 4, 2006

Alone in the dark, you'll sit and wait
A tear rolls down your face as you think of this fate
You lay down and close your eyes
And think of all the hurtful lies
In your dreams you see her face
All that time that went to waste
You hear her laugh and see her smile
Squeezing onto your pillow all the while
You cry out to God wondering why
And ask for a chance just to say bye
You just want one more chance to make things right
Just to hold her in your arms very tight
Just as you start to scream
Your phone wakes you from your dream
The number is unfamiliar but you know who it will be
The voice is all shaken and suddenly you start to see
How you've lost the one you loved so easily
One little mistake cost you her life
Shattered with loneliness she escaped it by a knife
A note lay beside her spotted in red
She'd love you forever is what it said
But she knew what you did
About that girl that you hid
The past is gone and the future is told
Happiness is gone and everything is cold.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jessy

    Nice poemi can totally relate,. .; I just got over a heart broke relationship!! you are on my favorites.

  • 18 years ago

    by Juls

    I dont know what to comemnt on. Your work is pretty good for just starting to write. Keep writitng and you will go far with it.

  • 19 years ago

    by LinkinParkFreak

    This poem rocks hard core!!!! I loved it....thankz 4 the comments on mine as well....take care and keep writing...

  • 19 years ago

    by SilentTearDrops

    Omg, that is THE best poem liek that i ahve ever read. i love it. its so sad but it justa bout brought tears to my eyes.

  • 19 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    Ohhhhhhhhhhh my word this deserves a 1000 points...so gorgeously portrayed..and so true..way to capture these feelings. LOVEEE IT you have such talent!! Keep it up,, u r a doll!