The hurt

by Elise   Feb 4, 2006

I loved you with all i had
i had nothing more to give
but you used this against me u and left me thinking what if?
i couldn't just leave you i had nowhere else to go,
pain hurt and sorrow is all i seemed to no.
the bruises will fade away
but the pain is here to stay
i say i love you but deep down i no its not true
i just want to be happy but I'm not going to be happy with u
i wish it would all go away,
i have learned from my mistake i ran away from you.
i heard your with someone else now i hope it all works out you
i hope its not the same for her
i have learned from my experience with you
and i hope that one day i can learn to love again
but not someone like you
its been 8 months now and i feel alot better,
I'm glad i went through this it made me so much stronger


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  • 19 years ago

    by Ash LEIGH

    Great poem, keep writing