
by ZOMGEMO   Feb 4, 2006

She awakens to the sun shining through her window,
Greeting her day with its warming, summer glow,
She sits up in her bed and gazes around,
Her room, her prison, no happiness found,
She yawns and stretches, revealing her arms,
Up and down are scars from previous harms,
She takes off the covers and puts her feet on the floor,
Gets out of bed and walks to the door,
Opens it up to reveal an empty home,
It's lit with the sun, but she feels alone,
Down the hallway to the bathroom she goes,
Behind her so swiftly, the door is closed,
She sits on the edge of the bath and cries,
Turns on the shower with tear stained eyes,
With no glance in the mirror, she removes her clothes,
Opens the shower door and in she goes,
The water trickles down her body, so worn,
She stands there for a while, her beating heart torn,
She reaches for her razor, puts it to her skin,
Presses against it, digging it in,
She slides it down, blood starts to flow,
She sinks to the floor, down the drain it goes,
She sits there in silence, in a puddle of red,
So many thoughts going through her head,
Once the blood stops, she finishes up,
Opens the door, then closes it shut,
Dries her self and wraps herself in her towel,
Walks back to her room, closes the door now,
She gets dressed, puts on her uniform of grey,
Suits her feelings and the type of day,
She packs her bag and locks the front door,
Beginning her walk to her inevitable war,
She dawdles slowly, head to the ground,
Holding her arm, she's anything but proud,
Passes a few people, they give her weird looks,
Many hurtful words and many heads shook,
She reaches the school grounds; no-one greets her there,
She sets off to find her friends, someone who cares,
But she can't find them, so she just walks around,
So much noise, but she makes no sound,
Then it's time for class, she mopes there, head hung low,
She ends up being late because she walked so slow,
She gets a detention with her most hated teacher of all,
The one who hits on her and makes her feel so small,
Lunch time now, back to her bag she goes,
She's greeted by her friends, but none of the know,
One of them finally asks, if she's alright,
She replies with "of course", and pretends to be bright,
Lunch time ends, off to her next class,
She doesn't want more trouble, so she gets there fast,
It finally ends, one more lesson till second break,
She's anxious to get out; don't know how much more she can take,
Bell goes, she returns to her bag, pretending to be ok,
There are her friends again, but they have nothing to say,
Two more lessons, then back home she can go,
She looks in her pencil case, but tells herself no,
She won't give into the scissors, and they're beautiful smile,
At least not at school, she'll just wait awhile,
Schools over for the day, she rushes to go back home,
Along the way, she feels unknown,
No words are said, no smiles are shared,
She walked home alone, nobody cared,
She finally got there and ran to her room,
Dropped her bag in her prison of gloom,
Goes the bathroom and fetches her friend,
Back to her room, she plans for the end,
These will be the last tears that fall from these eyes,
No more dealing with peoples pathetic lies,
She grabs a sheet a paper, and her favorite pen,
And begins to write a note, thanking her friends,
She thanked her mum, for giving her life,
And thanked the people from school for causing her strife,
She thanked her dad, for never being there,
And thanked her brothers for not having a care,
She thanked all the guys that tore her apart,
F_cked her around, and broke her heart,
And last of all, she thanked the world,
For being so cruel to this little girl.


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  • 19 years ago

    by TinyDancer46

    Wow... I've read alot of poems about suicide, but I've never read one so sad and unique. You expressed the pain of hiding scars and tears so well, that it almost brought ME to tears. Wow, you are very talented. I hope everythings okay, and keep up the brilliant writing.

  • 19 years ago

    by midgett

    I love it..its really good...keep writing


  • 19 years ago

    by jaki

    Woah, great poem... so much feeling... keep up the amazing writting... im always here for you =)


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