The Orange Foomonakachuu of Li-Ly

by Chris Harding   Feb 4, 2006

You know
This is life, what it all comes down to
From abstract reality
The cranial passageways
Embrace the fictional image
As another story is born
Out of the stars in our eyes
The Orange Foomonakachuu of Li-Ly
A by-product of this process
That becomes a vessel for all
To migrate on the seas of their imagination
Entertain this pleasant fantasy
As it unravels a landscape inside your head
All of our own
A constantly evolving Pandora's box of wonder
A common secret that we are all as rich as each other
With precious jewels
That can take us to places
Where no-one else can reach us
Tranquil dreams littered with butterflies
Under the mushroom cloud nexus
That could connect us all together
Corroborating in union
At such a fantastical level
As minds wander endlessly
To the farthest shores of the conceivable
Take a moment to rest
Before it is time to open sand encrusted lids
That slowly let in the painful light
As this narcotic image begins to fade
From even the most trained memory
It is a merciful gift
That we can sometimes remember
The most beautiful of them


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  • 19 years ago

    by Rosie

    Lovely poem mona. well written as always. Rosie xXx