Comments : I ReMeMbEr

  • 19 years ago

    by LOVEmeNOT

    Dis is cute....itz a good poem...good job

  • 19 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Dude... this was really good... i like it a lot.. great job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Hey mamii,

    All I gts 2 say iz dat memoriiez iz wat makes our lifez meaningful... u miight not understand dat but itz tru. And love guides itself through the memoriiez. Mamii I promiise u wiill b ok. U wiill pull through. Cuz u my giirl and u the best.U r sweet and so beautiful.... I kno u'll b happy someday, for now hold on!

    The poem waz real gud. U did pretty amazin.I give it a 5. Take care, ok? Plz text me or sumthin...


  • 19 years ago

    by Rican Chemistry

    Ok now I really feel like u mad at me... Are you? I mean u comment on Flaka's poems but not on mines...I feel left out... Did I say somethin wrong? If u dont like the poem u can say u dont like it... but why u aint talkin to me? I am here for u too u kno? Am I missing sumthin? I commented on all ur poems and not 1 response from u... I dunno maybe its just me... I do hope everything is OK wit u Preciosa... Luck with everything and if u dont wanna talk to me again, thats ok... Im still ur friend!!!


    La Boriikua Konfundiida