I Won't Care

by The Spirit of Ash   Feb 4, 2006

I always use to think
About taking my life away
Slitting my skin like before
Cutting day after day

Then I use to dream
About being found
Barely alive but still breathing
In a pool of blood on the ground

I would always worry
About both outcomes
Dieing or being saved
While hearing my heartbeat drum

I can not decide
Of what to do
Should I just late fate take over me
Or ponder more through and through

Maybe I should just ensure a death
And point a gun to my head
So that when I am found
I will already be dead

That way it won't matter
About what happens to me
People won't ask stupid questions
I've been pressured enough you see

No longer do I care
About what people say
Or how people would feel
If I just died one day

I'm not loved, so
I don't want medical care
I just want to end it all
Cause life just ain't fair

So when you see me
In my grave
You'll wish you'd have helped me
When I wanted to be saved

And when you see me
Your heart will tear
But don't worry about it
Cause I won't f u c k i n g care!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Elisa

    Cutting yourself is so bad. and i know i have been tempted to do it from time to time but its killing yourself slowly. thats why you shouldnt do it. just keep you head strong and smile on cuz you never know, that special someone really could love your smile

  • 19 years ago

    by Absolute Broken Perfection

    It's nice, i can really relate to how you feel, and if you ant, i can help save you