Just Me...

by Miss Megan   Feb 4, 2006

I speak my mind,
I laugh at myself.
I do not care what you think.
I have me and I do not need anyone else.

My clothes do not match,
My hairs a total mess.
I do not need to be like you.
In my eyes, I am the best.

I get good grades in school,
And I enjoy reading too.
I also like to write,
It always helps me through.

I drink water all the time.
My pj's are boxers and a white tee.
My nails are never painted,
And my room is never clean.

I am always taking pictures.
I love a moment captured.
I get jealous real easily.
I admit I hate you with her.

I listen to every type of music,
Green day is my favorite band.
Soccer is basically my life,
Adidas is my favorite brand.

I love to be outside,
I love the smell of nature.
I plan to travel the world,
I will visit Africa for sure.

I get annoyed a lot,
I have zero patience.
Although I am amused easy,
I do not have much tolerance.

I cry almost every night,
My life is so very wrong.
It is hard for me to trust anyone,
But I am fairly strong.

I hide my feelings,
I do not let anyone see my tears.
I do not let people know the real me.
Getting hurt again is my biggest fear.

The beach is my favorite place.
There I feel free.
I love walking bare foot in the sand,
I love the smell of the salty breeze.

I get let down,
More than anyone can handle.
Even though people always tell me I am,
I never feel smart or beautiful.

I am a good looking girl though.
I have blonde hair and blue eyes.
I even have a straight white smile.
But me being beautiful, I still have yet to realize.

I would have to say my hands are my best feature.
They are very petite and small.
Everyone seems to notice them,
Especially how they are so soft.

I always sing in the shower,
For everyone to hear.
If I am bad or good,
I really do not even care.

I am always being made fun of,
Because I will not let people 'have' me.
But I am waiting for the right one,
Though I know that sounds crazy.

A lot of people do not like me,
But I like me this way.
In the end I will not change for anyone.
Because this is just me, and how I will always stay...


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Bree

    Wow that is great! you remind me so much of myself. keep it up! -bree-

  • 19 years ago

    by Danielle

    Wow...i can relate completely. Its like you wrote down all my thoughts. you must be and amazing person and anyone should be so glad to even be looked at by you. i know i would.

  • 19 years ago

    by obsessedgurl

    I'm glad you are strong enough to live like that! Kudos to you!

  • 19 years ago

    by Princess Love

    You go girl!!! That's the spirit, and dont let anyone tell you differently. Great poem. Loved it!!! :-)