So Hard To Believe

by »Sicntwiztd666   Feb 4, 2006

Baby, I love you
Is that hard to believe?
I want to be with you
Forever, Dont ever leave

But things arent looking so good
now, Things arent very clear
Somethings happening that never should
Its my greatest Fear

The fear of losing you
The fear of us being apart
no matter the problems
you're always in my heart

Its so sad
that this is coming between us
You're the best i ever had
Saying this is a must

I love you with my heart
The hole entire thing
Its falling apart
From the pain they bring

I had the bullet
And they brought the gun
You are the trigger
To end whats begun

Didn't think it would ever come to this
But i guess i was wrong
I know i wont be missed
So remember our song

I loved you forever
And forever it will be
You might be everything to someone
That someone being me
But you're throwing it away
like a stupid game
i cant help what i say
its never gonna be the same.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Tammi

    Love it and I feel it been there keep writing 5/5