by TOM ZART   Feb 5, 2006

I know I'm still here so far, far away,
As I fight for what I believe is right.
I wonder about you and your mom,
Every moment of every day and night.

The loneliness of war can drive you insane,
If you don't get letters of concern from home.
Left, right, behind and ahead,
Death awaits leaving love ones alone.

We pray to God that we will be saved
To return home or live the here after.
Bloody, dirt-covered men, we see everyday,
As we yearn for those times of laughter.

The far off stare of a fallen comrade,
As you stay by his side till his end.
No mother ever carried her infant child,
More carefully, than we do a friend.

Many have their own personal diaries,
To help keep their faculties together.
Watching hot steel crash into human flesh,
Always makes home seem far away and better.

I've become an expert at dodging, weaving and diving,
So try not to worry too much about me.
Just help your mom and stand up from the ground,
And while I'm gone be all you can be.

Love Dad

Tom Zart
Author of
Love, War And More
Published by
Publish America


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  • 18 years ago

    by Babyesha Naveed

    Hi..well done :)

  • 19 years ago

    by TOM ZART

    I love that you like my poem nice of you to take the time to say so.

  • 19 years ago

    by joAnne

    Outstanding,i am a daughter and a fiance of seving men in iraq,and that poem said so much to me,make sure you come back,love to all your loved ones x