Judging a cover...

by x325xRunawayTrainx103x   Feb 5, 2006

Behind every cover,
Is a story untold.
Behind every face,
Is a life ready to unfold.

Don't judge a book
By the look of the cover.
Don't judge a person
By what you hear from another

Because a smile
Can hold many lies...
And a strong soul
Can hold many cries

I look at the boy
Standing next to me...
He's my best friend
But only i can see...

The pain he is holding
Behind his smile...
Because his home life tests him
All this while...

Another girl laughs
And holds her stomach too...
Because what you heard is
That her pregnancy is true...

He didn't come to school today
He over slept again...
His jokes hide his drug use
After he said he already had his end...

My sister shows off her ring,
But turns the other way...
Because she decides to look down
Instead of having something to say...

My mother will hold a conversation
Just to make some kind of friend...
But when the pills are gone
Her own life, she can't defend...

My father will make you laugh
Until you're ready to cry...
But what he writes on his own
Is saying that he would like to die...

I want to take this cover off
I want to rip out every single page...
Because i can't take it no more,
I just need to go on a rage...

Rip out the pages
Of love and years...
And erase the memories
And cross out the tears...

Ink out the times
When alls we did was fight...
White-out the sex part,
From black to white...

Tear out the pages
And erase every "rest in peace"...
Let the past live again
And our hometown is where everyone meets...

Cross out the mistakes
That we've made in the past...
Overwrite them with memories
That will surely last...

You can't judge a book
Just by the cover...
You can't judge a person
Or any one another...

Take a deeper look,
A look inside...
The life that many people
Try to erase and hide...

Ain't it crazy???
To see a lasting smile!!???
But inside they have been dying
All of this while?!?!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    This one will have people stopping to think for awhile. Amazing job.