
by happyGIRL   Feb 5, 2006

Dark clouds descending in the night's sky
As I sit here all alone wondering WHY.

There is many ways to commit suicide
Which way might I have to decide?

I think about all of the pain that I have felt
Like the time my dad hit me with his belt

Every night I want to go to a different place
Where people wont hate me, but give me some space

I think about all of the nights I've wanted to cry
But my tears are silent so I want to die

Screaming and pleading isn't the way to go
I will go with no fight; it will be a good show

Silent and dead, death is the only way to escape
So here goes, slitting my wrists, blood everywhere
Starting to croak hard to breath, this is done
Are you all happy now?

Death, dying, dead, crying.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Miss Jessica

    Wow...that's really good.
    I can most def. relate.
    I like the rhythm to the poem.
    Keep up the good work.
    x_5_x Jessica

  • 19 years ago

    by Luke

    This Is Good.. the Rhymes All Work Really Well. And It's Not Too Short.. Or Not Too Long.. Well Done.. Make More Poems Like This.

  • 19 years ago

    by happyGIRL

    It suks

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammib

    Suicide is never an option - since you are bleseed with a God given talent to write - I suggest you use it to touch ppls lives - thank you for being honest...ppl feel like this. It was beautiful even though sad.

  • 19 years ago

    by Sammib

    Suicide is never an option - since you are bleseed with a God given talent to write - I suggest you use it to touch ppls lives - thank you for being honest...ppl feel like this. It was beautiful even though sad.

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